Needless to say, the production was pretty much a sprint to the finish.

The production was complicated by the writer’s strike, which prompted the addition of writer Ehren Kreuger to the staff of Roberto Orci, and Alex Kurtzman (who had penned the first film’s screenplay). However, the schedule for release on this film was already started before the summer of 2007 was over, with the sequel due in theaters in just 2 years (word is, Michael Bay likes to move fast on things!). And so, Dreamworks and Paramount Pictures quickly put a sequel into development. To me and many others, we were already in (even if Michael Bay was in the director’s chair), and by the end of 2007, the film had become one of the year’s biggest films. Would the world be in on a film where robots crash-land from outer space on Earth, and then take on the forms of cars and airplanes? One of the strangest things I heard before the release of Transformers in 2007, was that many in Hollywood were actually wondering if the concept being put on film would attract audiences. This review section, aims to talk about these “Terrible 2’s”* For every “Wrath of Khan” or “Toy Story 2,” there’s a dozen ‘number 2’ films that were made, that could not uphold the energy and enthusiasm of the first film. *Some people may say that most films lose their way by a third sequel, but that isn’t always the case.